












2016.09~2017.09澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University)芬纳环境与社会学院(Fenner School of Environment and Society),国外访学





1.湖南省自然科学基金项目2021JJ40012 湘江流域水文模拟中降水输入的不确定性研究 2021.01~2023.12,在研,主持


3. 联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间技术中心衡阳分中心开放基金项目,2022HSKFJJ010,基于多源遥感的崀山世界自然遗产地骤发干旱监测研究,2022.11~2024.11,在研,主持

4. 聚落文化遗产数字化技术与应用湖南省重点实验室开放基金项目JL19K01胡焕庸线两侧传统村落空间分布格局及其影响因素2019.01~2021.01,已结题,主持

5.滚球的十大平台科学基金项目18D04 降水输入与模型参数不确定性对水文模拟的影响研究2018.09~2020.09,已结题,主持


1. Binbin Guo, Jing Zhang, Tingbao Xu, Yongyu Song, Mingliang Liu and Zhong Dai, "Assessment of multiple precipitation interpolation methods and uncertainty analysis of hydrological models in Chaohe River basin, China", WATER SA, Vol. 48 (2022), 324-34. (SCISCIEEI检索)

2. Qin Yang, Xiangnan Liu, Zhi Huang, Binbin Guo, Lingwen Tian, Caiyong Wei, Yuanyuan Meng and Yue Zhang, "Integrating satellite-based passive microwave and optically sensed observations to evaluating the spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation health in the red soil regions of southern China", GIScience and remote sensing, Vol. 59 (2022), 215-33. (SCIE检索)

3. Binbin Guo, Jing Zhang, Xianyong Meng, Tingbao Xu, and Yongyu Song. "Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Precipitation Variations in China with Precipitation Surface Interpolated by ANUSPLIN." Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 81. (SCISCIE检索)

4. Binbin Guo, Jing Zhang, Tingbao Xu, Barry Croke, Anthony Jakeman, Yongyu Song, Qin Yang, Xiaohui Lei and Weihong Liao (2018). Applicability Assessment and Uncertainty Analysis of Multi-Precipitation Datasets for the Simulation of Hydrologic Models. Water 10, no. 11: 1611. (SCIEEI检索)

5. Binbin Guo, Jing Zhang and Tingbao Xu (2018). Comparison of two statistical climate downscaling models: a case study in the Beijing region, China. International Journal of Water ,12(1): 22-38. (EI检索)

6. Jing Zhang, Binbin Guo, and Yuming Liu. (2015). Anthropogenic influence on hydrological response in Beijing over nearly 20 years. International Journal of Water 10 (1):87-107. (EI检索)

7. 张静,郭彬斌,郑震,宫辉力(2015).变化环境下妫水河流域生态水文过程模拟.中国水利水电出版社. ISSN: 9787517037637(著作)

8. Binbin Guo, Jing Zhang, Huili Gong and Xiaoguang Cheng (2014). Future climate change impacts on the ecohydrology of Guishui River Basin. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 14(1):55-67.SCIE期刊)

9. Binbin Guo and Jing Zhang. (2012).Hydrologic Scenario Simulation and Related Techniques Forecasting Land Use/Land Cover Changes. Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), 2012 2nd International Conference.EI会议)

10. 郭彬斌,张静,宫辉力,程晓光.(2014).妫水河流域未来气候变化下的水文响应研究.人民黄河. 36(1):48-51(中文核心)

11. Binbin Guo, Tingbao Xu, Jing Zhang, B. Croke, A. Jakeman, L. Seo, X. Lei, W. Liao (2017). A comparative analysis of precipitation estimation methods for streamflow prediction. MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2017, pp. 43-49. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-7-9. www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2017/A1/guo.pdf (国际会议)

12. Jing Zhang, Qiannan Li, Binbin Guo and Huili Gong. (2015). The comparative study of multi-site uncertainty evaluation method based on SWAT model. Hydrological Processes 29(13):2994-3009. (SCI检索)

13. Jing Zhang, Zhen Zheng and Binbin Guo. (2017). Sensitivity and uncertainty-based evaluation and simulation of MIKE SHE model in Guishui River Basin, Beijing, China. International Journal of Water 11(2). 103-113. 10.1504/IJW.2017.083760. (EI检索)

14. Yang Cao, Jing Zhang, Mingxiang Yang, Xiaohui Lei, Binbin Guo, Liu Yang, Zhiqiang Zeng and Jiashen Qu. (2018). Application of SWAT Model with CMADS Data to Estimate Hydrological Elements and Parameter Uncertainty Based on SUFI-2 Algorithm in the Lijiang River Basin, China. Water 10(6). 742. 10.3390/w10060742. (SCI检索)

15. Cao, Yang, Jing Zhang, Mingxiang Yang, Binbin Guo, Mei Liu, Liu Yang, Jiashen Qu, and Peng Gao2018. Analysis of Lighting Changes in the Tourist City Edogawa Using Nighttime Light Data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 46 (10):1617-1623. (SCI检索)


1. 2022年以第一指导教师身份指导员工参加学科专业竞赛"全国大员工GIS应用技能大赛"获全国等奖

2. 2021年以第一指导教师身份指导员工参加湖南省第四届大员工测绘综合技能大赛",获得省级二等奖1项,三等奖3

3. 2020年以第一指导教师身份指导员工参加学科专业竞赛"全国大员工GIS应用技能大赛"获全国二等奖

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